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Adopted at November 29, 2003 Amended at September 29, 2008


  • I. NAME:

    The Asian Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (AFLAS)

  • II. SEAT:

    The legal seat of AFLAS is where the General Secretariat is located.

  • III. AIMS:

    To promote through international co-operation Asian Congresses on Laboratory Animal Science for the purpose of reviewing scientific, technical and educational problems in Laboratory Animal Science, to develop other relevant activities in the interest of Laboratory Animal Science, and to contribute to animal welfare.

    • (1)

      Membership shall consist of Associations or Societies for Laboratory Animal Science established on national or regional basis in Asia and having objectives that conform with the aim of AFLAS.

    • (2)

      Laboratory Animal Science Associations or Societies having similar objectives may be admitted upon application for associate membership through approval of the AFLAS Council.


    The offices of AFLAS are:

    • (1) Council
      a) Membership

      The Council shall consist of President, the immediate past-President, three Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General and one representative from each Member Association or Society. A Council representative can only be designated by the Association or Society that he/she represents.

      b) Duties

      The duties of the Council shall be to admit new Membership, to select the President, three Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General, none of whom is required to be member of the Council. The Council generally will meet during the course of an Asian Congress. The Council shall be responsible for approving membership dues and disbursement of funds. It shall solicit invitations to host Asian Congresses and select from prospects the country to organize each meeting. It shall deliberate and stipulate the by-laws of the Federation. Decisions of the Council shall be taken by simple majority.

    • (2) Executive Board

      The President, the three Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General shall act as an Executive Board. The immediate past-President is part of it in an advisory capacity, without voting rights. The duties of the Executive Board shall be established in the by-laws.

    • (3) President

      Subject to Council approval the President shall be the nominee of the Association or Society of the country or region that is selected to organize the next Asian Congress. He/she shall serve for a period from the end of one Asian Congress to the end of the next. The President shall preside over the meetings of the Council and, as directed by the actions of that body, supervise the activities of the Secretary General. He/she shall represent AFLAS as official spokesman and act as President of the Asian Congresses.

    • (4) Vice-Presidents

      Subject to Council approval the President shall be the nominee of the Association or Society of the country or region that is selected to organize the next Asian Congress. He/she shall serve for a period from the end of one Asian Congress to the end of the next. The President shall preside over the meetings of the Council and, as directed by the actions of that body, supervise the activities of the Secretary General. He/she shall represent AFLAS as official spokesman and act as President of the Asian Congresses.

    • (5) Secretary General

      The Secretary General shall be selected by the Executive Board and appointed by the Council. He/she shall serve for such a time as Council shall determine. The duties of the Secretary General shall be established in the by-laws.

    • (1)

      Each Member Association or Society shall pay an annual membership fee to the office of the Secretary General according to the scale of one to 4 units, the rate of which is established by the Council. The number of units for Member Associations or Societies and the rate of each unit are listed on the attached table. download The number of units assigned to new Member Associations or Societies shall be fixed by the Council and can exceptionally be equal to or less than one unit.

    • (2)

      A fiscal year is from January 1st to December 31 of each year.

    • (3)

      Each year a budget shall be submitted to and approved by the Council. The accounts of AFLAS shall be audited yearly by an auditor(s) selected by the Council.

    • (4)

      Annual membership fees shall be payable on January 1st of each year. In the event of failure to pay the fee by September 1st in any one year, voting rights shall be automatically suspended until the fee is received, unless it is specifically waived. Membership will automatically lapse if the fees are in arrears for two consecutive years.

    • (1)

      AFLAS shall arrange for the Asian Congress on Laboratory Animal Science to be held once every two years and encourage the participation by scientists and technical workers in the field of Laboratory Animal Science in the Congress. AFLAS shall select a host Member Country to organize a Congress in accordance with the requirements for developing the Asian Congress and collaborate with it in the Congress preparation.

    • (2)

      AFLAS shall advise and nominate membership of working groups, symposia, or other functions when invited by appropriate organizations, if Council considers it can contribute usefully by doing so.

    • (3)

      AFLAS shall facilitate the interchange of information among Member Associations and Societies on activities and function of common interest. This may include information concerning office bearers in Member Associations and Societies, honors conferred on members of Member Associations and Societies, and other matters of common interest.


    The legal seat of AFLAS is where the General Secretariat is located.


    The Council shall have the right to revise the Statute of AFLAS and to declare its dissolution by a two-thirds majority vote. Member Countries or Regions may withdraw membership at their discretion.
